• Bambang Hermawan Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Riska Dwi Nanda
  • Nadya Nurafifah Andriya
  • Jakaria


The use of food ingredients and/or processed food products contaminated with pork has become a growing concern and issue at present. This condition encourages the development of an accurate method for specifically detecting the presence or absence of pork contamination. The aim of this research is to detect pig DNA using the quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR) method. The research was carried out in two stages, namely (1) using fresh meat to detect DNA and cDNA to provide a positive control, and (2) product samples in the form of pork-based preparations (floss, meatballs, corned beef and sausages) were tested using DNA markers to determine robustness of the detection method used. The research stages carried out were DNA extraction and RNA isolation from pork that had been modified and developed. Then proceed to measure the purity and concentration of DNA/RNA using a spectrophotometer. The RNA isolation results were converted into complementary DNA (cDNA) and together with the DNA extraction results were analyzed using qPCR with a specific primer sequence for pig (Sus scrofa) DNA. The results of measuring the extraction concentration showed that the DNA concentration was 71.1296.025 ng/ul with varying purity. DNA qPCR is more time efficient than cDNA qPCR because it does not require the RNA transcription stage. Pork DNA was amplified in all samples compared to the positive control in the Ct range of 23-28 ng/ul, so that pork contamination can be properly detected from the processed food products analyzed


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How to Cite
HermawanB., NandaR. D., AndriyaN. N., & Jakaria. (2024). THE USE OF QUANTITATIVE POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (qPCR) METHOD FOR PIG DNA DETECTION. Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, (00). Retrieved from