Changes of Pondoh Snake Fruit in Bunches Quality in During Transportation and Storage


  • Rafika Ratik Srimurni universitas islam nusantara


The bunches of snake fruit (Salacca edulis Reinw.) have an unique shape which could be a special attraction for consumers. The use of primary and secondary packaging during transportation can maintain fruit quality. The research was conducted to analyze the bunches of snake fruit damaged in packs after transportation and fruit quality changes during storage. Storage of fruit for 22 days and observed every 3 days to saw the percentage of fruit damage, weight loss, hardness, total soluble solids, and fruit peel color changes. The experimental design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) single factor involving 3 packaging treatments namely wooden crates (K1), corrugated board without net foam (K2), and corrugated board with net foam (K3). Data analysis was carried out with descriptive analysis and ANOVA statistical analysis and further DMRT test at a 5% level. The used of primary packaging was able to depress mechanical damage of the bunches of snake fruit after 13 hours of transportation. Mechanical damage was depressed up to 0% with the used of protector packaging (net foam). The used of packaging design has a significant effect on the bunches of snake fruit quality changes during storage such as physical damage, weight loss, hardness, and total soluble solids. The best treatment was the used of corrugated board packaging with net foam where physiological and microbiological damage was still low until the 16th-day storage was 4.05% and showed the lowest rate of fruit quality changes during 22 days of storage.


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How to Cite
Ratik SrimurniR. (2024). Changes of Pondoh Snake Fruit in Bunches Quality in During Transportation and Storage : PERUBAHAN MUTU SALAK PONDOH PADA TANDAN SELAMA TRANSPORTASI DAN PENYIMPANAN . Jurnal Ilmu Pertanian Indonesia, (00). Retrieved from