Effectiveness of antibiotic ointment and eye drop therapy for the treatment of chlamydiosis in cats

  • Raida Raisatulhaq Veterinary Professional Program, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadjaran University, Sumedang
  • Andi Hiroyuki Veterinary Professional Program, Faculty of Medicine, Padjadja-ran University, Sumedang
  • Nurul Aeni Ayu Lestari West Java Provincial Animal Hospital at Cikole, Lembang, Bandung
Keywords: chlamydiosis, cat, conjunctivitis, eye ointment, eye drop


Chlamydophila felis is one of the most common pathogenic agents causing conjunctivitis in cats and is commonly referred to as chlamydiosis. This paper reports the effectiveness of topical treatment using antibiotics in the form of eye ointment and eye drops in a cat with a case of chlamydiosis. Clinical signs in cats include conjunctivitis, mucopurulent ocular discharge followed by nasal discharge. Treatment begins with administering eye ointment until the condition improves within 6 days and treatment switches to using eye drops. The results of the treatment showed that administering topical medication in the form of an ointment provided fairly good healing results within 6 days, while eye drops appeared to be ineffective where the conjunctivitis became worse after 3 days of treatment. The cat was then treated with enucleation on the 9th day because the disease condition had an infaustal prognosis.


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How to Cite
RaisatulhaqR., HiroyukiA., & LestariN. A. A. (2023). Effectiveness of antibiotic ointment and eye drop therapy for the treatment of chlamydiosis in cats. ARSHI Veterinary Letters, 7(3), 53-54. https://doi.org/10.29244/avl.7.3.53-54

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