In uterine feotal death in a mixed-breed cat

Intrauterine feotal death in cat

  • Gina Nuryustika Rizal Veterinary Professional Program, School of Veterinary Medicine, IPB University, Bogor
  • Arief Purwo Mihardi Division of Internal Medicine, School of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, IPB University
  • Dinda Septiana Br Tampubolon Bobon and Vet Animal Clinic, Bogor
  • Malni Sovinar Bobon and Vet Animal Clinic, Bogor
Keywords: feotal death, cat, ovariohysterectomy, in uterine


Examination of pet animals is often performed by animal owners for the prevention and treatment of animals, one of which is a reproductive disorder. This case study aimed to evaluate foetal death in a mixed-breed cat. The female cat named Kuro was brought by her owner to the clinic with complaints of red discharge from her vulva for five days. Physical examination revealed enlargement of the mesogastric area, enlarged nipples, and no abnormalities in the urinary bladder. Radiographic investigations were performed at the previous clinic and ultrasonography was performed at the Bobon and Vet clinic. Radiographic results showed a mass located under the urinary bladder, while ultrasonography showed that the two foetuses were not moving and there was no heartbeat. Based on the results of the examinations and clinical symptoms, Kuro experienced the feotal death in the womb, then an ovario-hysterectomy was performed, and post-operative therapy was administered in the form of antibiotics, anti-inflammatories, and topical preparations for healing incision wounds


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How to Cite
RizalG. N., MihardiA. P., TampubolonD. S. B., & SovinarM. (2023). In uterine feotal death in a mixed-breed cat: Intrauterine feotal death in cat. ARSHI Veterinary Letters, 7(3), 51-52.

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