Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) 2024-06-22T17:18:25+07:00 Andina Oktariani Open Journal Systems <p>Journal of Applied Business and Management (JABM) published articles in the field of business and management applications such as business strategy management, financial management, human resources and organization, business value chain and other issues in the field of business and management. This scientific journal is published by School of Business, IPB University (SB-IPB) associated with <span class="st">Indonesian&nbsp;</span><span class="st">Alliance of Magister Management Program (APMMI)</span>. JABM began the publication in August 2015 with a frequency of three times a year. Starting in 2016, JABM will be published in January, May and September.</p> <p>JABM is a peer reviewed journal that has been&nbsp;<strong>Accredited</strong>&nbsp;by Directorate General of Higher Education (DGHE), Republic of Indonesia No 51/E/KPT/2017 which is valid for 5 (five) years since enacted on 4 December 2017.&nbsp;Base on&nbsp;Directorate General of Research and Development Strengthening, Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia No 30/E/KPT/2018 JABM get&nbsp;<strong>ranked 2 accredited (SINTA 2)</strong>&nbsp;status.&nbsp;JABM has been registered in <strong>Crossref, DOAJ, Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Google Scholar, </strong>and other scientific databases.</p> <p>Editors receive written results of scientific research, both in the form of empirical research in fields related to business and management applications. Editors can revise the paper without changing the substance and content after a blind review&nbsp;process. The articles sent by the author must be an original script and is not being considered&nbsp;for publication by other journal or publishers.</p> <p>Download the <a href="">Submissions Guidelines</a>&nbsp; and Author Guidelines <a href="">[Bahasa]</a> <a href="">[English]</a></p> <p>P-ISSN: <a href=";1469435578&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2528-5149</a><br>E-ISSN: <a href=";1439371234&amp;1&amp;&amp;">2460-7819</a></p> Integration of Islamic Values Into Balanced Scorecard As A Strategic Management System at A Sharia Hospital 2024-06-22T17:07:15+07:00 Nur Hidayah Arlina Dewi Gofur Ahmad Suhendar Sulaeman <p><strong>Background:</strong> A Sharia Hospital in Central Java of Indonesia had previously used a balanced scorecard (BSC) to assess hospital performance. However, BSC has not been integrated into the hospital's strategic management process. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to develop a Sharia Hospital’s strategic plan by adopting a BSC integrated into Islamic values. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> A qualitative study was conducted involving a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis with 10 respondents and focus group discussions with 11 strategic planning teams.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results indicate that the hospital has completed several stages of developing a strategic plan, including defining the hospital's vision and mission, conducting a SWOT analysis, and formulating strategic objectives. Moreover, BSC has been implemented into the hospital's strategic planning process, particularly in formulating strategic objectives aligned with Islamic values. This reveals that the BSC has been integrated into the hospital’s strategic management process.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The result of this study provides a reference for a Sharia Hospital to adopt BSC aligned with Islamic values in the preparation of a hospital strategic plan. By integrating Islamic values into BSC, the hospital can formulate and implement strategies and evaluate the hospital's performance more comprehensively and measurable, covering financial and non-financial performance while promoting Islamic values.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Developing a strategic plan using the BSC is commonly conducted, but integrating Islamic values into the BSC perspective is still relatively uncommon. Hence, this study contributes significantly to hospital strategic management practices, particularly in Sharia hospitals.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> balanced scorecard, hospital management, Islamic values, sharia hospital, strategic management</p> 2024-06-21T10:30:27+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Empirical Effects of Price, User Experience, and Peer Influence on Goal-Oriented Browsing in Indonesian Online Food Shopping 2024-06-22T17:07:33+07:00 Widarto Rachbini <p><strong>Background:</strong> Within the continuously evolving landscape of the online food shopping industry, there is a recognized urgency for enhanced user experiences, novel pricing strategies, and sophisticated marketing approaches. These elements are integral to captivating and retaining customers within the fiercely competitive digital marketplace.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study investigates the behaviors of Indonesian consumers within the realm of online food purchases, driven by the imperative to unravel pivotal factors influencing their decision-making processes. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Employing a quantitative approach and structural equation modeling (SEM), this research rigorously examines the influence of price-awareness, user experience, and peer influence on both goal-oriented browsing and persuasion efficacy among Indonesian consumers. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The study found that price-awareness and user experience significantly influence goal-oriented browsing. Peer influence significantly affects both goal-oriented browsing and persuasion efficacy. Goal-oriented browsing positively impacts persuasion efficacy.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study concludes that enhancing user experience, leveraging peer influence, and adopting competitive pricing are essential for engaging and persuading consumers. Strategic improvements in these areas not only enhance persuasion efficacy but also solidify competitive positions within the market landscape.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study uniquely examines the combined effects of price-awareness, user experience, and peer influence on goal-oriented browsing and persuasion efficacy in Indonesian online food shopping. It offers valuable insights and actionable strategies for marketers, contributing to advanced knowledge in digital marketing and consumer behavior.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> price-awareness, user experience, peer influence, goal-oriented browsing, persuasion efficacy.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Accounting Conservatism, Intellectual Capital, Capital Structure in The Financial Performance of Consumer Good Companies 2024-06-22T17:07:48+07:00 Heni Pujiastuti <p><strong>Background:</strong> The importance of intellectual capital for stakeholders in making investment decisions, along with the role of accounting conservatism for management, investment becomes<br>a decision that is well-considered and measurable. Thus, through this research, investors are expected to be able to make their investment decisions well in the future.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to determine the relationship between accounting conservatism, intellectual capital, and capital structure in achieving financial performance. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study uses a quantitative method with a linear regression model and panel data. A total of 190 data have been obtained for five years based on certain characteristics. Through the Chow, Hausman, and Lagrange tests, the results are obtained in the form of a random effect, which will be used in the next test.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results reveal that accounting conservatism has a significant influence on achieving financial performance, as well as intellectual capital and capital structure also have a significant influence on financial performance. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> There is a significant positive relationship between intellectual capital and firm value in the consumer goods sector listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange. This indicates that intellectual capital plays an important role in creating value for the company and its stakeholders. In addition, accounting conservatism was found to be important in monitoring the company's investment decision-making. The findings of this study can provide insights for stakeholders on how the examined variables influence firm financial performance and aid in making investment decisions in the consumer goods sector in Indonesia, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> To explore the relationship between intellectual capital, accounting conservatism, and their impact on financial performance in the Indonesian consumer goods sector. Additionally, the research examines other factors, such as technological innovation, social responsibility, and supply chain management, and their influence on financial performance. The study also delves into factors that contribute to economic prosperity in emerging market economies, particularly in Indonesia, which may aid investors and policymakers in making well-informed decisions. The research employs advanced methodologies, including panel data regression analysis with robust standard errors, and builds on existing literature in financial performance and intellectual capital in emerging market economies. Ultimately, this research contributes to the advancement of the field and provides a foundation for future research.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: accounting conservatism, intelectual capital, capital structure, financial performance</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) It Business Development Strategy of Zoom Infotek Telesindo Company in Public Sector Market With VTDF Business Model and VRIO Analysis 2024-06-22T17:08:14+07:00 Musbakri Musbakri Yudha Heryawan Asnawi Zenal Asikin <p><strong>Background:</strong> The Government Goods and Services Procurement Policy Agency (LKPP) plays a role in accelerating and simplifying the procurement process by implementing E-Catalog in accordance with Presidential Regulation Number 16/2018. The budget allocated by the government for electronic office equipment in 2021 is 50.1 trillion rupiah.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> PT ZIT, which concentrates on hardware solutions, currently only reaches 0.086% of the huge market potential available. Implicating that PT ZIT needs to formulate a new strategy to achieve its target of 0.5% marketshare.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> In this research, PT ZIT used the Value Technology Distribution Finance (VTDF) method and Valueable, Rare, Inimitable, Organized (VRIO) Analysis.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results show that PT ZIT has nine sustainable competitive advantages including the ability to retain labor, the ability to serve customers well, a large amount of portfolio, and has a good brand image and reputation in the IT business field. One of the main advantages is the ability to maintain a network with keyperson in the government which is valuable, rare, difficult to imitate, and organized. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study on PT ZIT's IT business model using the VTDF method and VRIO analysis identifies nine sustainable competitive advantages but highlights the need for further development. Advantages include a solid team, exceptional customer service, and a strong government network. The proposed strategy involves creating a public sector division, partnering with remote area businesses, collaborating with service centers and IT companies for after-sales service and HR, and improving the public sector consumer database to enhance competitiveness and market share.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research significantly enhances understanding of IT business development in the public sector by uniquely combining the VTDF business model and VRIO analysis. It offers a comprehensive analysis of PT ZIT’s internal and external factors, providing a tailored strategy. Key findings emphasize strategic collaborations, specialized divisions, and improved customer relationship management. This study fills a literature gap on IT business strategies in the public sector, offering valuable insights and practical applications for other IT companies and future research.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> IT business, public sector, strategic development, VRIO, VTDF</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) The Impact of Organizational Climate and Career Development on Employee Engagement With Personality As A Moderator at PT Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) 2024-06-22T17:06:54+07:00 Syahdhaniar Arifah Hidajat Hendarsjah <p><strong>Background:</strong> This research aims to investigate whether the organizational environment influences employee engagement, determine whether career development affects employee engagement, and establish whether employee personality can moderate the influence of the organizational environment on employee engagement. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study employs a quantitative approach that emphasizes the testing of theories through the measurement of research variables using numerical data and conducting data analysis through statistical procedures. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study adopts a quantitative approach, emphasizing the testing of theories through the measurement of research variables using numerical data and conducting data analysis through statistical procedures.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The analysis results reveal several differences in variables during validity and reliability tests, as well as hypothesis testing.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Based on the conducted analysis, it can be concluded that organizational climate has a negative and insignificant effect on employee engagement, while career development has a positive and significant impact on employee engagement. Furthermore, the dimensions of extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness from the big five personality traits are capable of moderating the influence of organizational climate on employee engagement.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> companies can find out how their workers perceive the career development system that has been implemented in the company and the extent of workers' hopes for an ideal career development system. This can provide an initial idea for companies to be able to formulate policies related to career development systems and research shows that career development systems have a positive effect on employee engagement, which is a benchmark for HR units in particular to focus more on making improvements and improvements in implementation. good career development system.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> big-five personalities, career development, employee engagement, organizational climate, personality</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Tourists' Role in Achieving Sustainable Gastronomy 2024-06-22T17:08:34+07:00 Sandra Sanggramasari Indriyani Handyastuti Riadi Darwis Vany Octaviany <p><strong>Background:</strong> Not all tourists are aware of and able to support sustainable gastronomy; one factor influencing it is the age of tourists. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to determine the priority level of tourists' abilities based on age in supporting sustainable gastronomy. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study uses the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to produce alternative priorities and criteria weights in determining the contribution of tourists in creating sustainable gastronomy.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results showed that tourists' awareness and ability to support sustainable gastronomy differed from the age of tourists. Baby boomers can support sustainable gastronomy through the viability of local food products; Generation X can support sustainable gastronomy through the survival of local food production and business; Generation Y has the highest ability to support the diversity of local food products, while Generation Z has the highest awareness is in The transmission of culinary knowledge. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The authenticity of gastronomic products and the welfare of the gastronomic business community will indirectly increase with the high awareness of tourists in their participation in creating sustainable gastronomy.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> These potentials and opportunities show that each generation desires to participate in creating sustainable gastronomy following their respective roles.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Leadership Communication and Implications For Acceptance of The Go-Biz Application By MSMEs Employees (Case Study: Bogor District) 2024-06-22T17:08:56+07:00 Nadia Nur Soraya Sarwititi Sarwoprasodjo Irman Hermadi <p><strong>Background:</strong> Leaders of micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) have a role in the continuity of a business. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to examine the influence of leadership communication on the acceptance of the Go-Biz application by MSME employees in Bogor Regency. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Research on acceptance of the Go-Biz application by MSME employees in Bogor Regency uses the Technology Acceptance Model theory modified by the Motivating Language Theory. This type of research is quantitative, using primary data. Research data was collected through structured interviews using questionnaires and direct field observations. The sampling technique is accidental sampling. The research population is 100 MSME employees who use the GoBiz application and are located in the Bogor Regency area. Inferential data analysis used PLS SEM 3 analysis.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The research results showed that the influence of leadership communication on the acceptance of Bogor Regency MSME employees in the Go-Biz application consisted of language giving direction, language making meaning, perception of usefulness, perception of ease, attitude of use, and actual use. Direction-giving language, namely explaining the benefits of the application, application instructions, and information on the achievements obtained, and meaning-making language consisting of telling the importance of the application and suggestions for use, are factors that influence the acceptance of the Go -Biz application by Bogor district MSME employees.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Effective leadership in communication will help articulate the MSME vision and strategy regarding the development and implementation of application technology. This helps the entire team understand the direction the MSME is taking in terms of technology. Additionally, strong leadership through communication can motivate teams to accept new technologies and actively contribute to their development or use.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> There has been no research that examines the influence of the three motivational languages (motivating language theory) that leaders can use to communicate more effectively in the workplace regrading employee acceptance of an application using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> leadership communication, motivational language theory, technology acceptance model, MSMEs (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises)</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Celebrity Endorsement, Perceived Risk, and Purchase Intention: The Moderating Role of Brand Image 2024-06-22T17:09:17+07:00 Kamelia Vanny Danaswari Aprihatiningrum Hidayati <p><strong>Background:</strong> The rapid advancements in technology, information, and communication have significantly impacted the global economy, including the competitive landscape of businesses.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study explores the influence of celebrity endorsement and perceived risk on consumer purchase intention towards local Indonesian skincare products, emphasizing the moderating role of brand image. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The study used a quantitative survey targeting local skincare users in the Jabodetabek area, collected via Google Forms, and analyzed using SPSS 26 with multiple and moderated regression analysis. This research provides new insights into the Indonesian skincare market, highlighting the dual impact of celebrity endorsement and perceived risk on purchase intention, with a focus on brand image's moderating role.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The findings reveal that celebrity endorsement and perceived risk significantly, yet distinctly, influence purchase intention. Importantly, brand image was found to moderate the impact of celebrity endorsement on purchase intention, but did not significantly alter the effect of perceived risk on the same. These results have substantial implications for skincare marketers, suggesting that investments in celebrity endorsement, when combined with robust brand image strategies, and targeted marketing addressing perceived risks, can significantly influence consumer decision-making, thereby enhancing engagement and purchase intention in the competitive skincare market. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Celebrity endorsement significantly increases purchase intention, and while brand image moderates this effect, it does not significantly change the impact of perceived risk.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research provides new insights into the Indonesian skincare market, highlighting the dual impact of celebrity endorsement and perceived risk on purchase intention, with a focus on brand image's moderating role.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> brand image, celebrity endorsement, perceived risk, purchase intention, local skincare market</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) The Role of Price Perception in Interest in Buying Smartphones Through Optimization of Product Quality and Brand Image 2024-06-22T17:09:42+07:00 Feliks Anggia Binsar Kristian Panjaitan Juharsah Amirul Afif Muhamat Unika Oktaviani Damau Hotman Panjaitan <p><strong>Background:</strong> Business actors must be free to determine product prices, which of course must be proportional to the quality of the products offered, this is important because businesses often ignore product quality when emphasizing price perceptions<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The goal of this research was to assess the impact of product quality, brand image, and price perceptions on consumer purchasing interest, as well as if pricing perceptions are an effective mediator.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Structural Equation Modeling was then used to examine the data. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The data indicate that product quality and price perception both positively influence purchasing intention, although price perception does not. Price perception, according to research, influences the relationship between product quality and brand image on purchase intention. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> According to this study, smartphone product quality with appealing features, durability, and cheap prices increases consumer purchasing interest.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Many studies have examined consumers' buying interest, but few have examined price perception as a mediating factor, particularly when it comes to buying interest. The purpose of this study was to close this gap and develop a model that included price perception as a mediating variable.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) The Impact of Electric Vehicles in Reducing Carbon Emission in Metropolitan City 2024-06-22T17:10:02+07:00 Andi Mahatir Nur Tasrih Shabira Fahria Hananti Alfa Chasanah Febriantina Dewi Lokita Rizky Megawati Charalambos Nikolaou Hinayo Watanabe <p><strong>Background:</strong> This comparison of Singapore and Jakarta shows electric vehicles (EVs) can reduce transportation-related carbon emissions, but renewable energy investments are essential. Singapore benefits from lower emissions due to natural gas use, while Jakarta faces traffic and pollution challenges. Effective policies, investment in EV manufacturing, and collaborative strategies are crucial for increasing EV adoption.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to find out how the presence of electric vehicles can affect the reduction of carbon emissions in metropolitan cities, especially in Jakarta. This research uses a qualitative descriptive approach. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The data for this research was obtained from various sources, ranging from academic journals, and government and non-government reports, as well as websites that monitor various parameters relating to the two countries and the research being conducted over 12 years (2010-2022).<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> Findings indicate that average emissions per EV per day in Jakarta are similar to those of Singapore at a value of 3.9245 kgCO2, eq/day as opposed to 6.0403 kgCO2, eq/day for Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle (ICEVs) considering only the emissions with current electricity generation. Adding cradle-to-gate emissions for a service life of 10 years, the value becomes 7.21 kgCO2, eq/day, showing that improvements not only in local renewable energy policy but also in global manufacturing capabilities for EVs are required to make EVs significantly more viable than ICEVs.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The comparison between Singapore and Indonesia highlights that while electric vehicles (EVs) can reduce transportation-related carbon emissions, significant investments in renewable energy and supportive policies are crucial for maximizing their benefits.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research highlights the comparative viability of electric vehicles (EVs) in reducing transportation-related carbon emissions in Singapore and Indonesia, emphasizing Singapore's advantage due to its reliance on natural gas over coal and oil. Future research directions include analyzing consumer engagement techniques to boost EV adoption in metropolitan areas.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> carbon footprint, electric vehicles, Jakarta, metropolitan, Singapore</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Understanding of Consumer Behavior Toward Environmental Sustainability on Electric Vehicle Purchase Intentions in Indonesia 2024-06-22T17:10:55+07:00 Sri Hartono Mohamad Fazli Sabri Agustinus Hariadi Djoko Purwanto <p><strong>Background:</strong> Indonesia is currently facing a significant problem of air pollution caused by vehicle emissions, which severely impacts both health and the economy. With the depletion of natural resources, the cost of gasoline is on the rise. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> To address this issue, a study was conducted to investigate consumer behavior and their awareness of environmental sustainability when purchasing electric vehicles. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> A purposive sampling method was used, and the survey was conducted on 140 individuals who own fossil fuel-powered vehicles. The research utilized Smart PLS for data processing. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results confirmed two hypotheses and refuted two based on prior research.Conclusion: Findings indicate environmental awareness, but barriers to EV adoption persist.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Adds new evidence on EV purchase decisions in emerging markets.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> environmental concern, attitude, subjective norm, behavior control, electric vehicle purchase intention </p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Model of Forming Purchase Intention For Skincare Products Through Tiktok Social Media With Theory of Planned Behavior Analysis 2024-06-22T17:11:14+07:00 Nurul Fathin Siregar Hartoyo Mochammad Mukti Ali <p><strong>Background:</strong> Currently TikTok has become the most widely used social media application for online shopping, with beauty products securing the second position as the most frequently purchased category by consumers through social media platforms.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The aim of this research are to analyze the influence of content marketing, perceived value, and perceived risk on the Theory of Planned Behavior, and the model for forming the intention to purchase skincare products through the TikTok social media platform using the Theory of Planned Behavior.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The data processing techniques used in this research are descriptive analysis and Structural Equation Model(SEM) analysis.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The research results indicate that the highest percentage in the content marketing variable is found in on brand, perceived value in hedonic value, perceived risk in product risk, attitude in safety, subjective norms in content creator/affiliator, and perceived behavioral control in convenience.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have a significant effect on the intention to purchase skincare products throughTikTok. Content marketing, perceived value, and perceived risk significantly affect attitudes. Content marketing significantly influences subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control is only influenced by perceived value.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> In this study, purchase intention is viewed through content marketing (credible, shareable, useful or fun, interesting, relevant, different, and on-brand), perceived value (utilitarian value, hedonic value, and social value), perceived risk (transaction risk, delivery risk, and product risk), and based on the theory of planned behavior (attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control). This combination of theories is tested using SEM PLS to understand how consumers develop the intention to buy skincare products through TikTok Shop.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> content marketing, perceived risk, perceived value, purchase intention, theory of planned behavior</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Financial Literacy, Risk Perception, and Paylater Adoption: A TPB Analysis 2024-06-22T17:11:32+07:00 Fany Octaviana Farida Ratna Dewi Nurul Hidayati <p><strong>Background:</strong> Paylater, a service allowing users to defer payments with borrowed money, offers convenience but also potential risks.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aimed to 1) assess financial literacy among millennials in Jabodetabek, 2) analyze how financial literacy and risk perception influence the intention to use Paylater, and 3) explore the impact of social influence and perceived control on this intention. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Descriptive analysis and SEM-PLS analysis were employed. Research model was developed from Theory Planned of Behavior with 4 variables: attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, and intention to use. Risk perception variables were used in the model, included performance risk, time risk, social risk, security risk, and financial risk. Financial literacy could be seen from 3 measurements including financial knowledge, financial behavior, and financial attitudes. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong>The results showed that only 44.85% of respondents demonstrated strong financial literacy. Financial literacy itself did not directly influence the intention to use Paylater. However, perceived risks like performance delays, security concerns, and financial burdens negatively impacted attitudes towards using Paylater. Social pressure and perceived control over using Paylater positively influenced the intention to use it. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Financial literacy in millennial generation showed well literacy category. Financial literacy had no effect on the interest in using paylater. Meanwhile, performance risk, time risk, security risk and financial risk had a negative and significant influence on the attitude of using paylater, and there was no influence of social risk on the attitude of using paylater. In addition, attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control had a positive and significant effect on the interest in using paylater.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Paylater as an easy payment tool but has several risks, through the TPB approach combined with the risk perception variables and financial literacy can be used to analyze intention to use of paylater in the millennial generation.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> financial literacy, millennial generation, paylater, risk perception, subjective norm</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Work Stress, Organizational Commitment, and Turnover Intention: The Intervening Role of Work Satisfaction 2024-06-22T17:12:01+07:00 Eri Marlapa Endri Endri <p><strong>Background:</strong> Poor management of human resources can lead to employee discomfort in the workplace, resulting in reduced productivity and diminished benefits for the company. Thus, effective human resource management is crucial to fostering a conducive work environment that enables employees to thrive. Enhanced employee productivity can significantly contribute to the company's advancement. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study investigates the impact of work stress and organizational commitment on turnover intention, with job satisfaction as an intervening variable at PT. Jakarta Aquarium<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research method is quantitative causality, using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) assisted by the Smart PLS statistical method (PLS-SEM) and a Likert measurement scale. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results in this study show that work stress has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention, while organizational commitment has a positive and significant impact on turnover intention. Another friend revealed that work stress has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction, and organizational commitment has a positive and significant impact on job satisfaction. Job satisfaction has a negative and significant effect on turnover intention, while organizational commitment has a positive and significant impact on turnover intention through job satisfaction. Organizational commitment influences turnover intention through satisfaction as an intervening variable. Fascinatingly, this study reveals that job-related stress does not diminish employee satisfaction, as stress can serve as a challenge, a stimulus, and a source of fascination for employees. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Work stress demonstrates a significant positive impact on turnover intention. Organizational commitment exhibits a positive and statistically significant effect on turnover intention. Additionally, work stress is found to have a positive and important influence on job satisfaction, and organizational commitment similarly has a positive and significant effect on job satisfaction.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art)</strong>: The research uses job satisfaction which acts as a mediating variable that provides new academic insights into human resource strategies related to issues of employee retention and organizational stability.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> work stress, organizational commitment, job satisfaction, turnover intention, PLS-SEM</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) A Comprehensive Analysis: Perception, Innovativeness, and Intention of Consumers As Determinant Factors of Mobile Banking Usage Behavior 2024-06-22T17:12:16+07:00 Leo Candra Kirana Megawati Simanjuntak Nimmi Zulbainarni <p><strong>Background:</strong> The average increase in mobile banking users in Indonesia in the last five years has reached 135.3% per year. The wide diversity of users forms diverse user preferences and intentions, which is a crucial thing for banks to consider. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The objective of this study is to determine the determinant factors of mobile banking usage behavior using quantitative research and structural equation modeling.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The population of this study is users who have not maximized the use of Bank XYZ mobile banking and used a random sampling technique using the Slovin technique to determine the research sample.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> This research contributes to the understanding of consumer behavior concerning technology-based bank products, specifically mobile banking. Findings indicate that PU, PEoU, PR, PC, and personal innovativeness are crucial factors in maximizing mobile banking adoption. This study provides practical strategies for banks, particularly Bank XYZ, to develop policies that enhance these factors, ultimately encouraging mobile banking utilization by improving application design and service quality.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This study found significant relationships between all the relationship variables tested which between PU, PEoU, PR and PC to behavioral intention to use mobile banking; and personal innovativeness and behavioral intention to use mobile banking to mobile banking usage behavior.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research uses the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) theory with the addition of PR and PC.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> behavioral intention, digital transaction, mobile banking, perception of customer, usage behavior</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Enhancing Sustainability With Triple-Layered Business Model Canvas in Gastronomy Agro-Tourism Sukajadi Village Bogor 2024-06-22T17:12:35+07:00 Hastjarjo Hastjarjo <p><strong>Background:</strong> Developing more sustainable business models (BM) has become increasingly crucial for sustaining the agro-tourism industry as environmental and social pressures increase. However, sustainable business modeling is still underused in the development of agro-tourism.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to explore a new approach for transitioning towards a more sustainable BM in agro-tourism, with a case study in Sukajadi Tourism Village, Bogor.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The method used in this research is action research with the 3E process (explore, exploit, enhance). The hypothetical business model canvas is explored as an initial step, then the SWOT sustainability framework is used in the exploration stage, and finally, the Triple Layered Business Model Canvas (TLBMC) framework is used to synthesize the previous two steps in the improvement stage.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of the study show that, overall, the TLBMC framework enables creative process guidance in communicating and implementing business improvement models (BM), from conventional gastronomic agro-tourism to gastronomic permaculture. The new SBMC resulted from the expansion of the domain to increase the agro-tourism value proposition in terms of sustainability targets and is expected to be in accordance with the environmental potential and wishes of the Sukajadi Village Community, Bogor.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> TLBMC can be implemented to increase sustainability in the Sukajadi Tourism Village. The results of the analysis recommend the development of permaculture-based gastronomic agro tourism.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research contributes to the TLBMC theory in the development of agro-tourism villages.</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Regulatory Impact Assessment: Optimization of The Complete Systematic Land Registration Through The Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN Number 6 of 2018 2024-06-22T17:12:54+07:00 Fitriyani Hasibuan M. Syamsul Maarif Joko Affandi Arry Ekananta <p><strong>Background:</strong> Since 2017-2022, the achievement of the PTSL program have been less than optimal due to internal and external factors. From the target of issuing land certificates for 126 million plots in 2025, there is still a shortfall of 50.8 million plots that must be completed within 2 years. In order to accelerate the achievement of the PTSL target, the Ministry of Agrarian Affairs and Spatial Planning/National Land Agency issued the Regulation Number 6 of 2018 on the Complete Systematic Land Registration (PTSL). <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to analyze the optimization of the complete systematic land registration implementation through the Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN Number 6/2018. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The research was conducted qualitatively using Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA).<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The research results indicated that the regulation had increased the optimization of accelerating the achievement of PTSL target. However, the regulation required managerial regulation reinforcement at the operational level to better optimize the acceleration and sustainability of the PTSL target achievement. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> First, the Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN Number 6/2018 has been effective to optimize the complete systematic land registration performance. Second, by revoking Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN Number 6/2018, the policy option "continuing Ministerial Regulation of ATR/BPN No 6/2018" is considered the best. However, this policy option requires strengthening of technical regulations underneath it in the form of technical guidelines (Juknis) to update the strategy for implementing outreach activities (socialization), developing coordination mechanisms among stakeholders, managing human resources, and monitoring and evaluating PTSL target achievements.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> cost-benefit, optimal, performance, PTSL, RIA</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Business Model in Plasma Nano Bubble Technology For Palm Oil Waste Processing 2024-06-22T17:13:11+07:00 Arif Imam Suroso Anto Tri Sugiarto Yohanes Aris Purwanto Popong Nurhayati Nur Hasanah Anita Primaswari Widhiani Khairiyah Kamilah Muchamad Bachtiar Raden Isma Anggraini Fithriyyah Shalihati Hansen Tandra <p><strong>Background:</strong> The palm oil industry strives to implement sustainable development, maintaining the environmental quality. However, the palm oil industry has problems processing liquid waste, often known as palm oil mill effluent (POME), since it could pollute the environment. This waste also requires a large costs to be processed. On the other hand, there is potential economic value from liquid waste to be processed into several products, namely biogas, organic fertilizer, and refining value-added compounds. Currently, POME waste processing innovation could be conducted by applying plasma nanobubble (PNB) technology. This creates opportunities for a business that is engaged in developing this technology.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The aim of this research is to analyse the business model of the Plasma Nano Bubble (PNB) technology development business for the palm oil industry. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach</strong>: This research uses the Business Model Canvas (BMC) to map the business processes of the Plasma Nano Bubble (PNB) technology development.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> This study indicate that the most prominent attribute exhibited by PNB technological enterprises is their value offer, which is demonstrated by their ability to deliver efficient processing time and cost effectiveness, resource efficiency, adherence to government regulations, and the establishment of strategic collaborations with external entities. Meanwhile, the weakest element is customer relations, as only long-term relationships, and the provision of intensive training for PNB technology resellers were found in this aspect. Several indicators were proposed to improve the business model of PNB's technology, namely key partnership, the key activity, value proposition, and customer relationship.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research gives an important contribution related to the environmental benefits of implementing this business. The continuous development for this technology needs to be implemented to process POME waste effectively and efficiently.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The state of the art of this research is the development of business models for environmentally friendly products in the palm oil sector, which is currently rarely conducted, in this case the study of PNB technology products.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> business model canvas, palm oil, plasma-nano bubble (pnb) technology, sustainable development, palm oil waste</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Sustainable Human Resource Management: A Transformation Perspective of HRM Functions Through Optimized Artificial Intelligence 2024-06-22T17:13:35+07:00 Arif Furqon Nugraha Adz Zikri Sunu Widianto Rita Komaladewi <p><strong>Background:</strong> Nowadays startups are no longer a thing. Startups are mushrooming and attracting much attention both nationally and internationally. Business incubation activities are essential for startups, because many startups that have yet to have time to develop but have to stop running their operations.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This paper explores the transformation potential of AI in HRM, revealing the factors that contribute to successful AI adoption and strategies to overcome adoption barriers within organizations. In addition, the paper addresses important issues related to data bias in sustainable HRM practices when using AI, emphasizing the need to eliminate bias to ensure fairness and equity.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> To perform data analysis and processing, the author uses python with the software used is a Jupyter notebook. The use of Python programming language has gained significant popularity in the world of research. Python’s strengths are seen through a variety of research methods that include data and statistical analysis with libraries such as NumPy and Pandas, building machine learning models using TensorFlow and scikit-learn, and mathematical simulation and modeling with the help of Matplotlib and Seaborn<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The paper also provides practical insights into how organizations can effectively limit the role of HRM and AI to prevent undue evictions of HR professionals. In addition, the study emphasizes the importance of addressing data quality issues and bias in AI applications within HRM, with a particular focus on ensuring equal treatment and opportunities for minority groups. As an illustrative example, this paper details a practical approach to AI-powered new employee payroll. This approach aims to eliminate bias, ensure competitive salaries, and be in line with market standards. While embracing AI for HRM, the paper emphasizes the importance of maintaining the human touch in decision-making and maintaining sensitivity, empathy, and understanding, especially in complex HR scenarios.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research has discussed and contributed to a literature review on the transformation of Human Resource Management (HRM) into sustainable HRM using Artificial Intelligence (AI). The four main findings addressed in the study were lack of quality data, bias in data, loss of human aspect, and error and uncertainty. To overcome data bias, oversampling and salary comparison are carried out through job portals to see current market trends. Furthermore, the study provides examples of sustainable HRM practices using AI with a focus on setting new employee salaries. The models generated from salary data in the job portal and old employee salary data are compared, and the model with the best accuracy is selected.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> artificial intelligence, balance of hrm and ai, hrm transformation, sustainability, sustainable hrm practices</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Reclapan: A Solution To Household Waste Issues Based on An Application To Promote Circular Economy 2024-06-22T17:13:57+07:00 Elioting Bich Injesus Retnaningsih Suhendi <p><strong>Background:</strong> Waste management in Indonesia is an unresolved problem; factors such as inadequate facilities, ineffective management mechanisms, and community habits are the causes<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This research aims to design solutions through application prototypes and business models that align with household waste management behavior, expectations, and problems.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This research uses customer discovery and Lean Canvas methods, with 100 respondents at the problem test stage and 69 at the solution test stage. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The problem test showed that 86 percent of respondents experienced problems such as segregated waste being re-mixed during transportation, not having bins based on the type of waste, lack of frequency of waste transportation, far location of disposal sites, and inadequate disposal facilities. The solution is crafted by applying circular economy principles and packaged into an application that serves as a bridge between households facing waste management challenges and companies struggling to obtain quality recycling materials. Reclapan is an acronym for "Recycle Across the Planet for Nature." the name of the app reflects the concept of recycling as a global effort to maintain and restore the earth's natural conditions. Reclapan encourages creative and fun sorting actions with gamification features and rewards in the form of shopping vouchers and other features that can solve most household waste management problems.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The "Reclapan" prototype was designed based on respondents' preferences and was considered more practical than current waste management practices. Given the positive response from respondents willing to use "Reclapan", it can be concluded that "Reclapan" effectively addresses the issue.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art)</strong>: Reclapan is a prototype circular economy-based platform that connects households with companies that need high-quality raw materials from waste.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: application prototype, customer discovery, circular economy, lean canvas, waste management</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Dampak Spillover Antara Harga Komoditas dan Dinamika Pasar Keuangan 2024-06-22T17:15:01+07:00 Linda Karlina Sari Agustina Widi Palupiningrum Ani Nuraisyah <p><strong>Background:</strong> Interconnectedness among finacial and commodity prices beyond what can be explained by fundamentals, saw a significant rise from 2004 to 2008, reaching their highest point during the global financial crisis. The problem of this research addresses the increasing interdependence and volatility caused by financialization.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study examines the complex spillover effects between financial markets and commodity prices from January 2021 to March 2024.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study employs two approaches: a qualitative approach through a systematic literature review (SLR) and a quantitative approach. Using data from major stock indices and key, we employed Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models to analyze the dynamics.<br>Findings/Result: The study literature indicates a lack of research comprehensive analysis of the spillover effects between financial and commodity markets. Results indicate significant impacts of stock market shocks, particularly in the U.S., on energy prices, and the substantial influence of commodity market fluctuations on the Hong Kong stock market. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> These findings highlight the critical role of financial markets in driving commodity price volatility and emphasize the need for strategic portfolio diversification and robust risk management. Continuous monitoring and adaptive strategies are essential to mitigate cross-market impacts and ensure market stability, providing valuable insights for policymakers and market participants.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The value of this research lies in its focus on the recent period, its use of a mixed method approach, and its identification of specific impacts of market shocks on different instruments.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> commodity prices, financial markets, spillover effect, systematic literature review, Vector Autoregressive model</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Formulasi Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Cafe 2024-06-22T17:15:20+07:00 Fina Windayani Popong Nurhayati Sufrin Hannan <p><strong>Background:</strong> The rise of coffee shops in Bogor City is increasing every year. In the middle of a tightly populated café industry with coffee commodities, business actors are still recovering due to the impact of COVID-19.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to analyze the internal using the VRIO analysis method through a resource-based view (RBV) approach and external factors using the Porter's Five-Forces approach a PEST Analysis (politic, economy, social, and technology) of The Coffee Companion in facing competition, formulate suitable strategies, and determine priority strategies that can be implemented by the company. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The analytical tools for this research include; the IFE matrix, EFE matrix, VRIO, PEST, and QSPM.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of the IE matrix analysis show alternative strategies that can be execute; intensive strategies (market penetration, market development, and product development) or integrative (backward integration, forward integration, and horizontal integration). There are four alternative strategies; improving the quality of existing products, increasing supplier control, improving marketing strategies, and expanding product distribution channels. The results of the QSPM analysis show that the best alternative strategy is to improve the quality of existing products which is 6.57 greater than the other three alternative strategies.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The main strategy suggested to companies is to improve the quality of existing products. Followed by increasing control over suppliers, improving marketing strategies, and expanding distribution channels.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> In implementing strategies that have been formulated by adapting to current conditions and making improvements to financial conditions and managing capabilities in facing changing consumer trends.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> PEST analysis, RBV, strategy formulation, VRIO</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Analisis Kelayakan Investasi Dalam Replanting Kopi Model Komunitas Kopista 2024-06-22T17:15:42+07:00 Adi Haryono M. Syamsul Maarif Arif Imam Suroso Siti Jahroh <p><strong>Background:</strong> The development of a partnership system based on contract farming can effectively address the challenges faced by farmers in boosting coffee production and subsequently improve their overall welfare.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to assess the viability of investing in replanting according to the methods of Kopista community per 2023. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The technique analysis is a descriptive analysis of financial statements with the International Financial Accounting Standard (IFRS) approach. The study examines six key financial aspects, including production levels, operational costs, profit and loss, balance sheet, cash flow, and investment feasibility. The investment feasibility analysis employs three types of calculations, namely Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Payback Period (PP).<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The findings of this study demonstrate that investing in the coffee estate is a profitable venture, as it generates substantial income over a ten-year investment period. Notably, the revenue surpasses production costs, particularly during the highly productive period of coffee plants spanning from seven to twenty-five years. Consequently, implementing an investment in the new coffee estate is both viable and advisable.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> This research reveals the potential acceptance of a contract farming model designed to produce high productivity for farmers. The development of this model will have implications for improving the welfare of coffee farmers in Indonesia. The contract farming model design for replanting the Kopista method can be implemented with great support from relevant stakeholders such as banks, entrepreneurs and the government so that coffee farmers can produce more quantity compared to previous conditions.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study presents coffee production methods for farmers that are proven effective and efficient through investment feasibility analysis.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> coffee, feasibility, finance, Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Investment, Net Present Value (NPV), Payback Period (PP)</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Pengaruh Corporate Governance, Leverage, dan Kualitas Audit Terhadap Manajemen Laba (Studi Empiris Pada Perusahaan BUMN dan Swasta Pada Tahun 2016-2020) 2024-06-22T17:16:03+07:00 M. Abdul Rahman Tony Irawan Aruddy <p><strong>Background:</strong> Earnings management practices are generally carried out by company management to give a good impression to shareholders or investors regarding the company's performance in one reporting period. Earnings management is carried out, generally by recording profits in the company's financial statements, based on the wishes of the parties interested in it, with the intention of showing that the company has posted good performance and has good performance prospects in the future.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to examine the effect of corporate governance which consists of the proportion of independent commissioners, audit committees, and managerial ownership, leverage, and audit quality on earnings management in companies in the BUMN and private sectors in 2016-2020.<br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The data analysis process in this study used panel data regression analysis.<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of this study indicate that in the BUMN sector the audit committee and leverage variables have a significant effect on earnings management, while in the private sector the managerial ownership, audit committee and leverage variables have a significant effect on earnings management.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The conclusion of this research is that the income minimization pattern often occurs in companies in the private sector with 22 distribution points whose motive is tax avoidance management, but the income maximization pattern often occurs in companies in the BUMN sector with 32 distribution points shown whose main motive is political agenda from the managerial level.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research objectively examines companies in the State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) and Private sectors across various types of industries without focusing on a single specific field. Additionally, the research employs a more diverse sampling method compared to other studies, allowing it to address issues more comprehensively.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> earnings management, corporate governance, leverage, audit quality, financial performance, income minimization, income maximization.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Pengaruh IPO Terhadap Kinerja Keuangan, Good Corporate Governance dan Nilai Perusahaan Emiten Skala UKM di Bursa Efek Indonesia 2024-06-22T17:16:25+07:00 Risa Resmita Dewi Anny Ratnawati Lukytawati Anggraeni <p><strong>Background:</strong> The financial sector, especially the Indonesian capital market, shows a positive trend with an increase in the number of IPO companies each year. The contribution of national GDP and the number of SME companies in Indonesia are high, so development efforts to facilitate the provision of capital through the capital market are carried out by the government. Basically, IPO funding obtained by the company will provide an opportunity for the issuer in the hope of improving financial performance so that the company's valuation among investors increases and also improves corporate governance.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to analyze the influence of Initial Public Offerings on Financial Performance, Good Corporate Governance and Valuation in SME’s Issuer on Indonesia Stock Exchange. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The research was conducted using the Mann-Whitney test and OLS multiple regression analysis. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results showed that financial performance has a significant difference after IPO particularly on activity ratio and leverage ratio. It is known that the variables company such as size, outstanding shares, profitability ratio and dummy covid have an effect on company valuation. While leverage, income and activity ratio have no effect on company value. In addition, leverage, company size, outstanding shares and dummy covid have significant effect on good corporate governance.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Issues from SME can be considered potential options for investors in the capital market. Besides that, it encourages other SME to obtain funding from the capital market.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study examines opportunities for SME companies that can increase their business scale through the capital market by meeting the requirements of financial performance prospects and the implementation of good corporate governance so that they can increase the company's value.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> financial performance, good corporate governance, IPO, firm value, SME</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Pengaruh Promosi, Literasi Keuangan dan Persepsi Risiko Terhadap Minat Menabung Emas Bank Syariah ABC Melalui Kesadaran Merek 2024-06-22T17:16:51+07:00 Asvianti Handaru Wulan Megawati Simanjuntak Asep Taryana <p><strong>Background:</strong> Gold savings products are unique products from sharia banking which have significant growth potential in Indonesia as seen from the increase in gold sales over the last 3 years. Based on previous research stated that promotion, financial literacy and risk perception are the factors that influence customers' saving intention in investment and services product in banking but there isn't any yet study examine the influence of those factors on gold savings products in sharia banking.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study aims to analyze the influence of promotion, financial literacy and risk perception on the saving intention of gold savings product of Bank Sharia ABC both directly and through the mediation of brand awareness. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> This study uses the SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square) analysis method with a sample of 206 (two hundred and six) respondent which are customers of savings accounts who do not yet have a gold savings account at Bank Syariah ABC<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> This study show that promotion variable has a positive and significant influence on brand awareness of gold saving product. Meanwhile, promotion does not have a significant positive influence on the saving intention of gold saving product. Promotion has a positive and significant influence on the saving intention of gold saving product indirectly through the mediation of brand awareness variables (full mediation). As for the financial literacy, the variable has a positive and significant influence on brand awareness and the saving intention of gold saving product. The financial literacy variable also has a positive and significant influence on the saving intention of gold saving product indirectly through the mediation of brand awareness (partial mediation). <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study also concluded that risk perception variable has a positive and significant influence on brand awareness of gold saving product. Meanwhile, risk perception does not have a significant positive influence on the saving intention of gold saving product. Risk perception variable has a positive and significant influence on the saving intention of gold saving product indirectly through the mediation of brand awareness variables (full mediation). The brand awareness variable has a positive and significant influence on the saving intention of gold saving product. So that, it can be said that if the brand awareness of customers is increase, the saving intention of gold saving product also increase.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> Several previous studies have examined the influence of promotion, financial literacy and risk perceptions on the saving intention in investment and services product in banking, but there isn't any yet has specifically examined the influence of those factors on gold savings products in sharia banking. This study examine the influence of promotion, financial literacy and risk perceptions on the saving intention of gold saving product in sharia banking both directly and through the mediation of brand awareness.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> brand awareness, financial literacy, promotion, risk perception, saving intention</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Pengaruh Grit Terhadap Kreativitas Melalui Emotional Intelligence dan Work Engagement Pada Pekerja di Industri Ekonomi Kreatif 2024-06-22T17:17:16+07:00 Sherly Rosalina Tanoto Gabriella Alexandra Soenyoto <p><strong>Background:</strong> The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the global creative economy, including in Indonesia. Job losses and a decrease in the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of this sector have prompted the government to integrate 30 million creative economy participants into the digital ecosystem by 2024. To achieve this goal, the enhancement of human resource quality (HRQ) is key. Grit, encompassing long-term passion and perseverance, has been identified as a factor influencing individual creativity.<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> This study examines the influence of grit on creativity through work engagement and emotional intelligence among workers in the creative economy. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> Data from 301 creative workers were analyzed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) method<br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The research findings indicate that grit does not have a direct impact on creativity. Grit indirectly affects creativity through work engagement and emotional intelligence. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> Grit influences creativity indirectly via work engagement and emotional intelligence. Enhancing these factors is crucial for fostering creativity in individuals with high grit.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This study reveals the indirect effects of grit on creativity through work engagement and emotional intelligence among Indonesian creative workers. It challenges previous findings of a direct link, offering valuable insights for boosting creativity in the digital economy.</p> <p><strong>Keywords</strong>: creative economy industry, creativity, emotional intelligence, grit, work engagement</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem Kompensasi Berbasis Job Value Pada PT Banjarnegara Agro Mandiri Sejahtera 2024-06-22T17:17:42+07:00 Rudi Triyono Furqon Syarief Hidayatulloh <p><strong>Background:</strong> Banjarnegara Agro Mandiri Sejahtera Ltd is one of the SMEs located in Banjarnegara Regency which is engaged in the food and beverage (fnb) sector. PT Banjarnegara Agro Mandiri Sejahtera has not paid wages in accordance with the applicable minimum wage and has not applied the principle of internal justice<br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study is to identify the compensation system implemented by the company, analyze the basic factors in determining the compensation system, and provide recommendations for the ideal compensation design system. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The methods of this research are descriptive analysis, point method, job grading, salary mapping, and adjustments. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> Based on the research results, it is known that the ideal compensation system to be implemented by companies is an overlapping compensation system.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The ideal compensation system to be implemented by companies is an overlapping compensation system.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The use of ten compensation factors at PT Banjarnegara Agro Mandiri Sejahtera is based on the company's needs. The overlapping method used is considered more efficient because it minimizes company costs.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> compensation, food and beverage, job value, salary, SMES</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Bauran Pemasaran dan Kualitas Layanan Kunjungan Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian di Perumahan Greenland 2024-06-22T17:18:06+07:00 Khoirul Marzuki Tony Irawan Hartoyo <p><strong>Background:</strong> One of the most important needs of today's population is housing. The increase in population has led to an increase in the supply of property, but the demand for property in Bogor Regency has actually decreased. This affects housing sales at Greenland Forest Hill and Greenland Kemang. The variables that influence purchasing decisions are marketing mix and service quality. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The research objectives are to identify consumer characteristics, analyze the effect of marketing mix and visit service quality, and formulate managerial implications for the company. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The method of data processing and analysis in this study uses descriptive analysis and Structural Equatin Modeling - Partial Least Square (SEM-PLS) analysis by utilizing SmartPLS tools. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results of the study were 200 respondents in this study with a percentage of Greenland Kemang of 51% and Greenland Forest Hill of 49%.<br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The conclusion of this study is that consumer decisions in Greenland housing are positively and significantly influenced by the variables of purchase intention and behavioral control. This shows that family plays a very big role in deciding to buy a house in Greenland Forest Hill and Kemang. In addition, location indicators and special services for consumers have a more significant influence on purchasing decisions than other variables.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> This research enhances the literature on factors that influence home purchases. This research also shows that marketing mix and service quality can influence purchasing decisions through the theory of planned behavior model.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> property, marketing mix, purchase decision, service quality, SEM-PLS</p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM) Strategi Pengembangan Bisnis Jasa Surveyor Independen Pada Unit Bisnis Batubara PT XYZ 2024-06-22T17:18:25+07:00 Fajar Sidiq Raden Dikky Indrawan Indrawan Rokhani Hasbullah <p><strong>Background:</strong> The market for coal exports from Indonesia expands annually; therefore, the government must issue a regulation to designate local technical verifier surveyors to inspect coal exports in order to manage the production and sale of coal. PT XYZ as a foreign surveyor service company needs to have the proper alternative strategy to respond to these government regulations. <br><strong>Purpose:</strong> The purpose of this study was to analyze the external and internal factors that affect PT XYZ’s business, formulate strategy alternatives, and determine the proper business strategy for coal unit business of PT XYZ. <br><strong>Design/methodology/approach:</strong> The analytical tools used for the macro and industry external environments were PESTEL and Porter’s Five Forces analysis, while the internal environment analysis used VRIO. Strategy alternatives were formulated by SWOT-TOWS analysis, and determination of strategy priority used hybrid AHP-SWOT (A’WOT) analysis. <br><strong>Findings/Result:</strong> The results showed that the opportunity factor is at the top of the list. At the sub-factor level, the external factor as the biggest opportunity is that other countries’ dependence on Indonesian coal is very high, and the biggest threat is that the government is still closing operating permits for foreign surveyors, while the internal factor as the biggest strength is accuracy and timely survey reports and laboratory results, and the biggest weakness is the cooperation contract with customers and local surveyors. <br><strong>Conclusion:</strong> The study concluded that the main priority of the 13 structured alternative strategies that can be implemented by PT XYZ is the WO2 strategy to increase the volume of work, which is a long-term cooperation contract other than spot-order work with customers.<br><strong>Originality/value (State of the art):</strong> The selection of PT XYZ as a foreign independent surveyor service company that operating in Indonesia in this study is different and has not been found in previous studies.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> A’WOT, business strategy, coal, independent surveyor, quantity and quality inspection </p> 2024-05-31T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Aplikasi Bisnis dan Manajemen (JABM)