Journal of Child Development Studies <p><img style="float: left;" src="/public/site/images/adminjcds/upload_JCDS_edit.jpg" alt="" width="113" height="131" hspace="10" /> <strong>Journal of Child Development Studies (JCDS)</strong> is scientific journal providing researched paper on the subject of child development in many aspects, child psychology, parenting, and any topics related child development published two times a year by the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Faculty of Human Ecology, Bogor Agricultural University.</p> Department of Family and Consumer Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University en-US Journal of Child Development Studies 2460-2310 The Influence Of Peer Group Interaction And Moral Development Toward Aggression Behavior of School-Aged Children In Urban Poor Areas <p>This research aimed to analyze the relationship and influence of children and family characteristic, interaction of peer group, moral development toward agression behavior of school age chidren in Tegal Lega Village, Middle District of Bogor and Empang Village, South District of Bogor. Design of this research was cross sectional study. Population of this reserch were family with school-age late childhood or 4-6 class elementery school. The samples consist 100 children and mothers were chosen by proportional random sampling. The data collected by interview based on questionnaire. Result showed that were significant and negative correlation between moral development with aggression behavior. Meanwhile, result showed that were significant and negative influence between moral development toward aggression behavior. This research was not found influence between child characteristic and peer group interaction toward aggression behavior.</p> Yayang Wtri A Djohari Neti Hernawati Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Child Development Studies 2018-04-30 2018-04-30 3 1 1 14 10.29244/jcds.3.1.1-14 Pornography Behavior of Junior High School Student <p> </p><p> </p><p><strong>Abstract.</strong> The purpose of research is to identify the pornography behavior ofJunior High School student. We used cross-sectional study as research design. Locations were taken by purposive in South Tangerang city conducted in four junior high school. Schools were selected purposively based on the recommendation of the Ministry of Education in South Tangerang. Participants used are 600 children, boys 278 and girls 322 children. Data were collected by questionnaires filled out by participants.</p><p>The pornography behavior of junior high school student that have been studied are viewing pornographic web, reading books or comics that contain pornographic pictures, hearing or saying things porn, think of things related to pornography. This study also want to know the things that encourage the child to thepornographic behavior and the diference pornography behavior between boys and girls.</p><p>The results showed that the behavior of pornography on boys is higher than girls. The pornography behavior on boys and girls there are no statistically significant differences (p value = 0:03 *, p &lt;0.05).</p><p><em>Key words :pornography behavior, junior high school student, internet influence</em></p> Rika Hardani Dwi Hastuti Lilik Noor Yuliati Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Child Development Studies 2018-04-30 2018-04-30 3 1 15 27 10.29244/jcds.3.1.15-27 The Effect of Parenting Style, Self-Efficacy, and Self Regulated Learning on Adolescents’ Academic Achievement <p>Academic achievement as one of learning outcome indicator in adolescents influenced by the self and family environment factors. This study was aimed to analyze the effect of child characteristics, family characteristics, parenting style perceived by adolescents, self-efficacy and self regulated learning on adolescents academic achievement. The study used self report method which involved 91 eighth grade students from two junior high schools in Bogor. Data analysis included descriptive analysis and inference analysis (correlation test and linier regression test). Result showed that majority of samples perceived their parent as authoritative (86.8%) followed by authoritarian (11.0%) and permissive (2.2%). The result also showed that majority of samples had medium level in self-efficacy and self regulated learning. More than a half of samples had under average level in academic achievement. Correlation results showed that there were significant and positive relationship between authoritarian parenting style with birth order, family size as well as gender. Self regulated learning were significantly and positively related with authoritative parenting style (r=0.257, p-value&lt;0.05) and self-efficacy (r=0.330, p-value&lt;0.01). Meanwhile, regression results showed a positive effect of academic achievement on father's education (β=0.315, p-value=0.006) and authoritative parenting styles (β=0.259, p-value=0.014), as well as negatively on gender (β=-0.267, p-value=0.014) and permissive parenting style (β=-0.203, p-value=0.039).</p> Julia Theresya Melly Latifah Neti Hernawati Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Child Development Studies 2018-04-30 2018-04-30 3 1 28 43 10.29244/jcds.3.1.28-43 The Relationship Between Gratitude and Social Support with The Stress of Parents Who Have Children in Need of Special <p><em>The purpose of this research is to know the relation between gratitude and social support with the stress of parents who have children in need special. Through random sampling techniques, acquired the subject 30 parents who have children in need specially in Surabaya. This research is the gauge scale gratitude scale, stress and social support scale. Research data were analyzed with regression shows double F = 4.750 and sig = 0.01 means there is a significant relationship between social support and gratitude with the stress of parents who have children in need special. The results of the R square = 0.260 meaning stress parents who have children in need special can be explained by the gratitude and social support of 26%. Next partially gratitude does not correlate with the stress parents of children in need special (partial r = 0.001 with sig = 0.998), and social support proved to be significantly correlated negatively with the stress parents of children in need of special r partial =-0.480 with sig = 0.008 </em></p> Mega Rista Saras Ati Andik Matulessy Muhammad Farid Rochim Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Child Development Studies 2018-04-30 2018-04-30 3 1 44 58 10.29244/jcds.3.1.44-58 Is it Parental Communication, Self-Esteem, or Internet use that makes Pornography Behavior in Teenagers? (cases of pornography and porno-action) <p class="Paragraf">Parent-adolescent communication will affect both positive and negative behaviors in adolescents. This study aims to analyze the influence of the characteristics of adolescents and families with parent-adolescent communication, self-esteem, the use of internet, pornography and porn-action.The respondents of the study were teenagers in the age groups of 14-17 years, consisted of 137 respondents in Bogor, selected by using random sampling technique.Parent-adolescent communication consists of daily communication and preventife discussion of pornography and porn-action.Furthermore, adolescent' self-esteem includes both positive and negative perceptions of self among adolescents. The use of the media is focused on the frequency of Internet use for pornography and porn-action behavior including viewing and disseminating porn contents. Data were analyzed with independent sample t-test, and multiple linear regression test. The results showed that female are more open to communicate with parents than male. Male pornography and pornoaction behavior are higher than female. Regression results indicate that preventative discussion of pornography and porn-action of parent-adolescents and internet usage affect the behavior of pornography and porn-action.</p> Mahsiani Mina Laili Herien Puspitawati Lilik Noor Yuliati Copyright (c) 2018 Journal of Child Development Studies 2018-04-30 2018-04-30 3 1 59 69 10.29244/jcds.3.1.59-69