The Effect of Corporate Re-branding on Purchase Intention through The Brand Image of PT Pelita Air Service

Dinda Maisya Nastiti, Nadya Syavaranti, Akhmad Edhy Aruman


PT Pelita Air Service or PT PAS is a subsidiary of PT Pertamina (Persero) in aviation. In 2018, PT PAS changed its company logo. It is one of the corporate re-branding strategies that aimed to create a good brand image to increase the various services' purchase intention. This study aims to determine the effect of corporate re-branding on purchase intention through the brand image of PT PAS. This study used a quantitative associative approach with the survey method. Based on the sampling method, namely purposive sampling, the survey was performed on 97 respondents who knew about PT PAS. The results showed a direct and significant impact between corporate re-branding on purchase intention through the brand image of PT PAS with 0.375. Meanwhile, the direct effect of corporate re-branding on purchase intention is -0.083. Brand image becomes a mediator between corporate re-branding in increasing its influence on purchase intention. This research is expected to be a reference for PT PAS in evaluating its corporate re-branding strategy to form a better brand image and subsequently increase purchase intention for the services it offers.


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Dinda Maisya Nastiti (Primary Contact)
Nadya Syavaranti
Akhmad Edhy Aruman
Nastiti D. M., Syavaranti N., & Aruman A. E. (2021). The Effect of Corporate Re-branding on Purchase Intention through The Brand Image of PT Pelita Air Service. Journal of Consumer Sciences, 6(1), 40-61.

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