MonichaM., and YunieswatiW. “Karakteristik Sensori Dan Kandungan Gizi Es Krim Berbasis Tepung Pisang Kepok Dan Tepung Kulit Pisang Kepok Dengan Penambahan Bunga Telang Dan Daun Kelor Sebagai Alternatif Cemilan Penderita Diabetes: Sensory Characteristics and Nutritional Content of Ice Cream Based on Kepok Banana Flour and Kepok Banana Peel Flour With the Addition of Butterfly Pea Flowers and Moringa Leaves As an Alternative Snack for Diabetic Patients”. Jurnal Ilmu Gizi Dan Dietetik, Vol. 2, no. 4, Dec. 2023, pp. 269-77, doi:10.25182/jigd.2023.2.4.269-277.