Pengaruh Larutan Pulsing terhadap Daya Simpan Bunga Matahari Potong

  • Dewi Sukma Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Shandra Amarilis Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Abdullah bin Arif Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN), Pusat Penelitian Agroindustri, Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia.
  • Muhamad Syukur Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Muthi’ah Khairun Nisa Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian, Institut Pertanian Bogor


Sunflower is one of the ornamental plants that can be used as cut flowers. However, the ongoing processes of respiration and transpiration can lead to a decline in the quality of these cut flowers. Suitable postharvest technology, such as pulsing treatment, is necessary to maintain the quality and vase life of these cut flowers.. This research aimed to determine the most effective pulsing solution for preserving the freshness and quality of cut sunflowers.. The experiment used a Completely Randomized Design with pulsing solution types as the factor. There were 8 variations of pulsing solutions: aquades (P1), aquades + 3% sucrose (P2),  aquades + 0.25% bayclin (P3), aquades + 3% sucrose + 0.25% bayclin (P4), aquades + 3% sucrose + 50 ppm salicylic acid (P5), aquades + 3% sucrose + 0.25% bayclin + 50 ppm salicylic acid (P6), aquades + sucrose 3% + 75 ppm salicylic acid (P7), dan aquades + 3% sucrose + 0.25% bayclin + 75 ppm salicylic acid (P8). Each treatment consisted of 4 replications with one cut flower per replication. Thus there were 32 cut sunflowers as the experimental units. The results revealed that pulsing with aquades + 3% sucrose + 0.25% bayclin + 75 ppm salicylic acid tended to maintain the freshness of the cut sunflowers and optimized the water absorption up to 6 days after the pulsing treatment.

Keywords:  bayclin, cut flowers, salicylic acid, sucrose, postharvest


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How to Cite
SukmaD., Shandra Amarilis, Abdullah bin Arif, Muhamad Syukur, & Muthi’ah Khairun Nisa. (2023). Pengaruh Larutan Pulsing terhadap Daya Simpan Bunga Matahari Potong. Jurnal Hortikultura Indonesia (JHI), 14(1), 49-55.