Karakterisasi nori-like product berbasis rumput laut lokal Indonesia dengan variasi penyalut Characterization of nori-like product based on local Indonesian seaweed with variations of coating

Sindi Anggraeni Saputri, Ellya Sinurat, Himawan Prasetiyo, Agung Setyo Sasongko, Fateha Fateha, Ferry Dwi Cahyadi, Ahmad Beni Rouf, Yulda Yulda, Sihono Sihono, Rossy Choerun Nissa, Hidayat Hidayat


Nori is a dry food made from seaweed, known as Porphyra sp. The increasing public interest in this product has led to a significant rise in the annual value of nori product imports. The use of Porphyra sp. as a raw material for producing limited quantities of nori necessitates the identification of alternative raw materials. Several seaweeds that are abundant in Indonesian waters and possess potential as raw materials for nori production have been identified. These seaweeds included U. lactuca, Gracilaria sp., and Euchema spinosum. The objective of this study was to identify the most suitable coating for producing nori-based products, based on sensory properties and nutritional value. To achieve this, an experimental method with a completely randomized design (CRD) was employed, incorporating various nori-based product coatings. The study proceeded in three distinct phases: preparation of seaweed, manufacturing of nori, and coating process for nori. The findings demonstrated that the nori goods with a 100% tapioca coating (F2) received the highest organoleptic rating from the panelists, with an average score of 7.89% for color, 7.27% for texture, 8.42% for appearance, 8.02% for aroma, 7.84% for taste, and 7.89% for overall quality.The diversity of coatings enhances the sensory appeal of locally-sourced nori products by affecting their crunchiness. Chemical characteristic analysis revealed that nori items derived from U. lactuca, Gracilaria sp., and Eucheuma spinosum exhibit distinctive values when subjected to various coating modifications. Nori F2 boasts an impressive nutritional profile, with 8.82% of its composition comprising protein, 20.16% fat, 10.31% water, 12.43% ash, and 48.28% carbohydrates. The product is particularly noteworthy for its potential as a commercial offering given its suitability for development as a seaweed-based product in collaboration with local producers. The incorporation of various coating variations into the product has also been identified as a key factor in its potential for commercial success.


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Sindi Anggraeni Saputri
sindianggraeni@upi.edu (Primary Contact)
Ellya Sinurat
Himawan Prasetiyo
Agung Setyo Sasongko
Fateha Fateha
Ferry Dwi Cahyadi
Ahmad Beni Rouf
Yulda Yulda
Sihono Sihono
Rossy Choerun Nissa
Hidayat Hidayat
Anggraeni Saputri S., Sinurat E., Prasetiyo H., Setyo Sasongko A., Fateha F., Dwi Cahyadi F., Beni Rouf A., Yulda Y., Sihono S., Choerun Nissa R., & Hidayat H. (2024). Karakterisasi nori-like product berbasis rumput laut lokal Indonesia dengan variasi penyalut: Characterization of nori-like product based on local Indonesian seaweed with variations of coating. Jurnal Pengolahan Hasil Perikanan Indonesia, 27(5), 407-416. https://doi.org/10.17844/jphpi.v27i5.53534

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