Teni Marfiani, Sri Hartoyo, Manuwoto Manuwoto


The purpose of this study is to analyze the readiness of the potential economy at the developmental areas in West Bogor and to formulate a developmental economy strategy to actualize in the implementation of autonomy development. In general, the result showed that the western region of Bogor has an economic potential that can be developed, therefore it can be made as one of the main factors in the recommendation to become an autonomous district. Western Bogor region has a few growth centers to draw the growth of the region. Growth and service centers are still accumulating in urban areas resulting in a gap caused by the intensity of linkages between urban areas and rural areas in which are relatively limited.
The selected strategy priorities are: (1) the development of industries that support the agricultural aspect (agro-industry) as an effort to optimize the utilization and managingsustainable natural resources by utilizing the potentials Bogor Regency has (economic conditions, government policies Bogor Regency, geographical location) as well as cooperation with private sector / other, (2) Finding and promoting the image of commodity and regional superior products that provide value-added (GDP and PAD) for the local community using the criteria of potential value-added direct a commodity / product for poor families, and (3) creating a conducive business climate to support local capacity building by expanding the local tax base and expand the productive sectors of the economy of the people.
Implications of policy directed as social, cultural, political, institutional, or spatial aspects of the development budget and policy. Furthermore, the basic sector analysis should be done at sub-district unit so that it can be seen a leading sector per district based on income (GDP) per district.

Keywords: Growth and service centers, local economic potential, regional development.


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Teni Marfiani (Primary Contact)
Sri Hartoyo
Manuwoto Manuwoto
Author Biographies

Teni Marfiani

Alumni Magister Profesional Manajemem Pembangunan Daerah, IPB

Sri Hartoyo

Departemen Ilmu Ekonomi

Fakultas Ekonomi dan Manajemen 

Institut Pertanian Bogor

Manuwoto Manuwoto

Sekolah Pascasarjana 

Institut Pertanian Bogor

MarfianiT., HartoyoS., & ManuwotoM. (2018). ANALISIS POTENSI EKONOMI DAN STRATEGI PEMBANGUNAN EKONOMI DI BOGOR BARAT. Jurnal Manajemen Pembangunan Daerah, 1(1).
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