Pendampingan Penerapan Strategi Direct dan Indirect Marketing serta Uji Nilai Gizi pada Produk UMKM Wangirasa

  • Fadhlan Tsany Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Ivonia R. Hutajulu Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • M. Iqbal Irfany Institut Pertanian Bogor
  • Sherly Eka Maulidiya Direktorat Pengembangan Masyarakat Agromaritim, IPB
  • Yulia Sari Direktorat Pengembangan Masyarakat Agromaritim, IPB
  • Muhammad Isbayu Direktorat Pengembangan Masyarakat Agromaritim, IPB
Keywords: community empowerment, marketing, nutritional content test


The service activity aims to increase knowledge and marketing skills at Bandrek Wangi Rasa MSMEs in Sinarsari Village through assistance in implementing direct and indirect marketing strategies, as well as testing the nutritional value of products to ensure quality and increase competitiveness in the market. In implementing this program, the parties involved were two students from the Faculty of Economics and Management, one alumni as project manager, one person as supervisor, and 3 IPB lecturers. The implementation method is divided into five stages: site inspection, problem discussion, program planning, implementation of assistance, and monitoring. Testing of product nutritional value is carried out by proximate analysis at the Nutritional Analysis Services Laboratory, FEMA. The direct marketing strategy for Bandrek Wangi Rasa MSME products is implemented by participating in product exhibitions at the Student Entrepreneur Expo 2023 event. Meanwhile, the indirect marketing strategy is implemented by creating a company profile and product introduction using the Shopee, Instagram and TikTok marketplaces. The results of nutritional content tests on three bandrek product variants show that the values for water content, ash content, fat content and protein content are in accordance with SNI 01-4320-1996 standards. Meanwhile, the total energy in the chocolate and milk variants is more than the lime variant. Testing the nutritional value of products can provide a comprehensive understanding of the nutritional composition of Bandrek Wangi Rasa products.


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