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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik (J. Gizi Dietetik) or Journal of Nutritional Science and Dietetics  is a scientific journal that publishes research articles on various aspects of nutritional sciences and dietetics. These articles cover topics such as the biochemical aspects of nutrition, clinical nutrition, community nutrition, sports nutrition, dietetics, food components for health, nutritional supplementation and fortification, food and nutrition security, nutrition education and counselling, as well as socio-economic and cultural aspects of nutrition. The journal only accepts articles that have not been previously published or are not currently under review in other scientific journals. The articles must be original works and not plagiarized.

General Instructions

The article is structured in the following format: Title, Author and Institution, including Correspondence address, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction (Background and Aim), Method, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgments, Conflict of Interest, and References.

The article is formatted in MS-Word using Times New Roman font size 12, with a left margin of 4 cm and right, top, and bottom margins of 3 cm each. The maximum thickness of the manuscript should not exceed 12 pages while using 1.5 line spacing. No attachments are necessary. Line numbers are assigned to manuscripts in the left margin, beginning from the title and continuing to the references. Manuscripts are submitted in both hard copy and digital format, written in Indonesian. Figures are transmitted in the JPEG file format. Decimals are represented using commas, such as 22,5% or 22,5. Thousands or millions are separated by periods, for example,   Rp.25.500 or $1.000. Large numbers can be expressed using words, such as 2 million instead of 2.000.000.

For research involving humans or surveys, the appropriate term to use is "subject," not sample, example, or respondent. However, for laboratory-related research, the term "sample" should be used.


Title. The article title comprises important and interesting keywords (variables) and does not necessarily need to match the title of the final report or thesis. It is advisable to refrain from utilizing the terms "study", "effect", "correlation/ association", and "analysis". Title consists of 10-15 words, written in both Indonesian and English. Please provide a concise and descriptive title consisting of 6-8 words for the header of the page (running title). Indonesian title is capitalized, while English title is written in lowercase and italicized. 

Authors.  Contains the full name of the author (without title), institution/affiliation, full address with postal code, and contact information such as correspondence and electronic mail (email) of the corresponding authors.

Abstract. Contains a brief description of the research objectives, methods, results and conclusions in one paragraph. Abstract must be prepared in Indonesian and English, with a maximum word limit of 300 words. The abstracts should be formatted with single spacing and should include keywords that accurately represent the content of the article. Keywords are comprised of 3-5 words and are arranged in alphabetical order.


Introduction.   Consisting of the background and research objectives written in different paragraphs. The background is the rationale for conducting research which is supported by the most recent research (state of the art) from domestic and foreign journals as primary reference sources. 

Method. Comprising subsections on design, place, and time; the sample size and method of recruiting subjects (survey) or materials and tools (laboratory); the type and method of data collection (survey) or research stages (laboratory); and data processing and analysis. Research involving human or animal subjects is recommended to include an ethical review document number (ethical clearance).   In this section, the results are not displayed in table or figure.


Results and Discussion. Written in the same section. The research results present various characteristics of the subject/sample and the main research findings. Meanwhile the discussion entails in-depth analyses that establish connections and draw comparisons between the research results and theories/concepts/findings from other studies, based on primary references. The discussion must be meaningful, rather than merely recounting the results shown in tables and figures. It should also state the implications of the research results.

Conclusion. Provides answers to the research objectives and is not a summary of the results. Recommendations are optional, located in the conclusion chapter and only separated by paragraphs. Recommendations may consist of suggestions for program implementation and future research that should be conducted in relation to the research findings or the author's conclusions.

Acknowledgment. Includes acknowledgements to funders or sponsors, as well as contributors of research materials and facilities. Names are written without titles.

Conflict of Interest.  Authors are required to openly declare any potential conflict of interest. If no conflicts of interest exist, the authors may declare that there are no conflicts of interest among the authors involved in the preparation of the work.


The references should only contain the literature cited in the article. Use the latest literature (last 10 years), with a primary reference ratio of more than 80%. The number of references used should be between 10-20 references and no more than 30. References are formatted according to the Harvard system, which contains names and years arranged in alphabetical order of the author's name. List up to a maximum of 10 authors’ names. If there are more than 10 authors, list the names of the first 10 authors and use "et al." to indicate the rest.

When writing citations in articles, there is a difference between placing them at the beginning or at the end of sentences. If there is only one author, the correct citation format for Khomsan's work in 2014 would be “Khomsan (2014)” or “(Khomsan 2014)”. When there are two authors, “Khomsan and Sukandar (2010)” or “(Khomsan & Sukandar 2010)” can be cited. If there are more than two authors, “Khomsan et al. (2013)” or “(Khomsan et al. 2013)” should be used. Please use citation and bibliography management applications such as Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley.

Follow these instructions for writing references:

Journal articles:

Tuan NT, Nicklas TA. 2009. Age, sex, and ethnic differences in the prevalence of underweight and overweight, defined by using the CDC and IOTF cut points in Asian children. Eur J Clin Nutr 63(11):1305–1312. http:// dx.doi.org/10.1038/ejcn.2009.90

Firdausi A, Khomsan A, Rachman PH. 2022. Hubungan penggunaan instagram dengan pengetahuan gizi, perilaku makan, aktivitas fisik, dan status gizi mahasiswa IPB. J Giz Diet 1(1):16–24.


Gibson   RS.   2005.   Principles   of   Nutritional Assessment. Second Edition. New York (USA): Oxford University Press.

Sherwood L. 2011. Fisiologi Manusia dari Sel ke Sistem (Brahm UP, penerjemah). Jakarta (ID): EGC.

[Kemenkes RI] Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. 2013. Riset Kesehatan Dasar. Jakarta (ID): Kemenkes RI.

Articles in Proceedings:

Muhilal    &    Hardinsyah.    2004.    Penentuan Kebutuhan     Gizi     dan     Kesepakatan Harmonisasi di Asia Tenggara.  Dalam Soekirman    dkk.     (Eds.), Ketahanan Pangan dan Gizi di Era Otonomi Daerah dan Globalisasi.  Prosiding Widyakarya Nasional Pangan dan Gizi VIII (hlm. 301-307), 17-19 Mei. Jakarta (ID): LIPI.

Undergraduate Thesis, Thesis, Dissertation:

Friska   T.   2002.   Penambahan   sayur   bayam (Amaranthus    tricolor   L.), sawi (Brassicajuncea L.) dan wortel (Daucus carota L.) pada pembuatan crackers tinggi serat makanan [Skripsi].  Bogor:  Institut Pertanian Bogor.


[WHO] World Health Organization. 2009.   Key   strategies   for   promotion of   breastfeeding:   Facts   and   Figures. World    Health    Organization    Western Pacific       Region.      http://www.wpro.who.int/internet/resources. ashx/NUT/Global+Facts+and+Figures.pdf [Diakses 9 April 2011]


The order of tables or figures is in accordance with the citations in the manuscript.   The maximum number of tables and figures is eight (8) pieces. Image illustrations in the form of photos are included in JPEG format with a minimum resolution of 100 dpi or a minimum file size of 50 kb per image. Graphic illustrations must be accompanied by raw data (Ms Excel). Table and figure titles are written left aligned, using lowercase letters except for the first letter at the beginning of the title, name of place and time.

Articles should be sent in MS Word format by email to: jurnalgizidietetik@apps.ipb.ac.id

Contacts: Secretariat of Jurnal Ilmu Gizi dan Dietetik (Journal of Nutritional Science and Dietetics)

Department of Community Nutrition, Faculty of Human Ecology, IPB University. Dramaga, Bogor Indonesia, 16680

Telp: +628628304/+628625066 Fax: +628628304/+628622276

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