1. Register account to JPPT (Click link)
a. Fill your given and family name
b. Fill affiliation and your country
c. Fill an email active, username, and password for journal account
d. Checklist yes.

2. Make a submission (Click link):
There are several things that must be considered before submitting a manuscript in JPPT. Make sure your manuscript is in accordance with the focus and scope of the JPPT, and in accordance with the template or format of JPPT
a. Choose submission language
b. Checklist all submission requirements
c. Checklist Yes, I agree to have my data collected and stored according to the privacy statement.
d. And finally, click Save and continue

3. Upload the manuscript:
a. Choose article text, and upload your file manuscript or drag and drop a file here to begin upload
b. Review details, click continue
c. Confirm, click complete
d. Then, save and continue
e. Enter metadata, fill the title, subtitle, abstract, add contributors of the manuscript.
f. Finally, save and continue

4. Confirmation
If you sure about the submission, click finish submission

5. Submission complete