Reproductive Biology of Sentinel Crab (Podophthalmus vigil) in The West Tiworo Strait, South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi

Biologi Reproduksi Rajungan Angin (Podophthalamus vigil) Di Selat Tiworo Bagian Barat, Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara

  • Muhammad Aswandi A Jurusan Manajamen Sumberdaya Perairan FPIK Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Abdul Hamid Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Syamsul Kamri Jurusan Manajamen Sumberdaya Perairan FPIK Universitas Halu Oleo
Keywords: fecundinty, podophthalmus vigil, reproductive biology, sex ratio, tiworo strait


The aim of this study was to determined reproductive biology (sex ratio, gonad maturity stages, fecundity and size of first maturity) of the sentinel crab (Podophthalmus vigil) in the west Tiworo Strait.Samples were obtained from the bycatch of the crab fishermens using trap.Each sample obtained was indetified thesex,carapace width and body weight were measured. Sex ratio was analyzed using Chi-square test (p<0,05). Gonad maturity levels was observed from changes in gonad morphology and color. The crab fecundity was calculated using the gravimetric method. The crab fecundity was calculated using the gravimetric method. The results of the study obtained a sex ratio of 1: 4.09; showed an imbalance between males and females. The gonad development of male P. vigil was dominated immature gonads, while that of females was dominated by mature gonads. Fecundity of P. vigil ranged from 415,644-3,466,290 eggs, and the size 50% at the first maturity of female crab was 92.29 mm.


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How to Cite
Aswandi AM., HamidA., & KamriS. (2023). Reproductive Biology of Sentinel Crab (Podophthalmus vigil) in The West Tiworo Strait, South Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi: Biologi Reproduksi Rajungan Angin (Podophthalamus vigil) Di Selat Tiworo Bagian Barat, Konawe Selatan, Sulawesi Tenggara. Jurnal Pengelolaan Perikanan Tropis (Journal of Tropical Fisheries Management), 7(1), 55-62.