Kualitas Fisik, Kimia dan Mikrobiologi Susu Kambing pada Waktu Pemerahan yang Berbeda di Peternakan Cangkurawok, Balumbang Jaya, Bogor

  • M. Arifin
  • A. Y. Oktaviana
  • R. R. S. Wihansah
  • M. Yusuf
  • Rifkhan Rifkhan
  • J. K. Negara
  • A. K. Sio
Keywords: chemistry, goat’s milk, microbiological quality test, the physical


The aim of this study was to determine the physical, chemistry, and microbiological quality of goat’s milk collected from morning and afternoon milking. A total of 3 of crossbred goat (PE) milk were used in this study. These samples were analyzed for total plate count (TPC), Staphylococcus sp, Escherichia coli, and Salmonella sp. Test anova shown any significant differences ( p<0,05) in Escherichia coli while  another microorganisms not significant. For quality physical and chemical anova results showed no difference between morning and afternoon milking. Based on Indonesian National Standard (SNI) for fresh milk No 3141.1-2011, the level of TPC, and Salmonella sp.were still in standard range, while Staphylococcus sp.and Escherichia coli  was exceed the standard value. In conclusion, raw milk of goat collected directly from the udder is safe to consume.



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How to Cite
ArifinM., OktavianaA. Y., WihansahR. R. S., YusufM., RifkhanR., NegaraJ. K., & SioA. K. (2017). Kualitas Fisik, Kimia dan Mikrobiologi Susu Kambing pada Waktu Pemerahan yang Berbeda di Peternakan Cangkurawok, Balumbang Jaya, Bogor. Jurnal Ilmu Produksi Dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan, 4(2), 291-295. Retrieved from https://jurnalpenyuluhan.ipb.ac.id/index.php/ipthp/article/view/17508