Exploring the Potential of Omega-3 Enriched Egg Industry in Indonesia: Production, Consumer Demand, and Competitiveness

  • S. Mulatsih Department of Economics, Faculty of Economic and Management, IPB University
  • I. R. H. Soesanto Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University
  • Y. Retnani Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University
  • A. Yani Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University
  • R. Mutia Department of Nutrition and Feed Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University
  • A. Tanti Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University


People are worried about the health impacts of the cholesterol contained in egg. Various studies show that adding omega-3 to laying feed or drinking water will produce omega-3 eggs that are low in cholesterol. This research aims to determine the potential for developing the omega-3 egg industry
in Indonesia. Secondary data (from BPS and related literature), and primary data (from interviewed with sample farmers) were analyzed using revenue cost (R/C) ratio, willingness to Pay (WTP) and descriptives analysis. The findings showed that farmer produced omega-3 eggs from small scale (100 birds) to large scale (50,000 birds). Farmer introduce omega-3 through feed in the form of (1) a mixture of salmon oil with vegetable oil, (2) maggots (Hermetia illucens), and (3) processed fish waste. Each provided R/C ratios of 1.10, 1.34, and 1.52. The competitiveness of the omega-3 egg industry in Indonesia is quite strong, supported by (1) abundant sources of omega-3 supplement feed, (2) increasing demand for omega-3 eggs, (3) supported by feed and the pullet industry (4) low competition of omega-3 eggs producer, and (5) support for stunting reduction programs through protein consumption.


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How to Cite
S. Mulatsih, I. R. H. Soesanto, Y. Retnani, A. Yani, R. Mutia, & A. Tanti. (2024). Exploring the Potential of Omega-3 Enriched Egg Industry in Indonesia: Production, Consumer Demand, and Competitiveness. Jurnal Ilmu Produksi Dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan, 12(2), 75-81. https://doi.org/10.29244/jipthp.12.2.75-81